Regional Meetings & Events

Regional Meetings are Free to Attend for All GCC Members

Regional Meetings 
Regional meetings offer a lot of opportunities to learn, share, and connect. Because of a much smaller size than the annual GCC conference, the regional meetings are a great way for new members to integrate, for everyone to share and ask questions, and really establish relationships with other members. If you have ideas for activities you’d like to see, reach out to your regional director.     

  • Each region hosts a meeting between November and March annually
  • Regional meetings are hosted by individual institutions or multi-institution planning committees.  Learn about how to volunteer to host or organize a regional meeting under volunteer opportunities (link).
  • Registration for regional meetings are free for GCC members and provide an opportunity to engage with your regional GCC community, network and develop meaningful partnerships.
  • One of the great traditions of the GCC and regional meetings is the opportunity to share the work you are doing at your institution with colleagues from your region, known as Show and Tell which each region does a bit differently.  View some example regional meeting agendas from previous years. 

Show & Tell Slides from 2017 Mid-Atlantic Region
Sample Agenda Southwest Regional Meeting 

Our Regions:

Midwest (WI, MI, IL, IN, OH, ND, SD, NE, KS, IA, MO, MN)

South Central (OK, TX, AR, LA)

Southeast (NC, SC, GA, FL, WV, KY, TN, MS, AL)

Mid-Atlantic (DE, PA, NJ, NY, DC, MD, VA)

New England & Eastern Canada (ME, NH, VT, MA, RI, CT)

Northwest & Western Canada (WA, OR, Northern CA, MT, ID, WY, NV)

Southwest (Southern CA, AZ, NM, UT, CO)

Regional Meetings Calendar

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