Our Community

GCC strives to foster a strong sense of community and inclusion for graduate career and professional development practitioners. I have been able to effectively build relationships with other members, share ideas and resources, become a leader within GCC and connect with GCC leadership about the future of this organization. GCC has been highly valuable, both professionally and personally, and I am so thrilled to be a member of the GCC.
D’Anne Duncan | Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Associate Consortium Director, Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training
The GCC community is truly unique. As an all volunteer-led organization, the energy and ideas of our members have created a strong sense of community among members and generated a variety of ways for new and existing members to engage. Opportunities include attending regional meetings, becoming a mentor or mentee, starting or participating in one or more of our communities of practice, joining the speakers bureau or sharing resources in our robust resource repository. We have many opportunities for members to gain skills through committee participation and leadership in addition to attending our community-driven events.