
The purpose of the Finance committee is to ensure the financial sustainability of the GCC. The Finance Committee assists in drafting the annual budget, processes for distributing funds to GCC committees and initiatives, and collaborates with committees on scholarships, grants, and travel awards. 


Finance Committee Members: 
Eric Vaughn (GCC Treasurer/Chair), Teresa Didano, Katie Homar, Ruth Schemmer, Laura Schram, Shana Slebioda, Letha Woods

Volunteer needs for 2022-23:

  • Finalize committee mission and vision in line with GCC 2022 strategic plan
  • Create sustainable structure around memorial fund and distribution of funds
  • Develop sustainable mechanisms for GCC scholarships to grow and diversify our organization (issued $5,000 in scholarships in FY22)

About Us

GCC Finance Committee and Virtual Career Expo Poster

The Virtual Career Expo Program
Contact: &

The GCC-sponsored VCE is a virtual recruiting and networking experience designed to connect graduate students, postdocs, and alumni from STEM, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences fields, to employers using the CareerEco platform. Visit our event website to learn more.

This committee plans and executes the event through member and employer outreach. This is also one of the only revenue generating opportunities for the GCC which helps support GCC member scholarships. 

Virtual Career Expo Chairs:
Co-Chair: Colleen Gleeson

Co-Chair: Caitlin Deis: